Health Checkup Package
- Apr 22 , 2020Diabetic Eye DiseaseDiabetic eye disease (also called diabetic retinopathy) is one of most significant causes of losing one’s vision to the point that one can go completel
- Oct 17 , 2019Dry needling is a modern medical treatment in which a needle is inserted into the skin and muscle directly at a “trigger point”, point where there is pain, that can be cause b
- Oct 09 , 2019ProgramLength Of StayPackage Price : (THB )Total Abdominal Hysterectomy with Bilateral Salpingo-Oophorectomy (TAH & BSO)4 days 3 night
- Oct 09 , 2019Palliative Care : is a method of care that increases the quality of life of patients with life-threatening diseases by providing protection and alleviate suffering.