- Dec 23 , 2024High dose flu vaccine For ages 65 and overPrice 2,490.-The above price includes doctor's fee and hospital service fee.4 times more antigen contentPrevents influenza infect
- Dec 23 , 2024RSV Vaccine For ages 60 and overPrice 9,000.- (1 dose)The above price includes doctor's fee and hospital service fee.Adults aged 60 years and overAdults aged 50 years with
- Nov 20 , 2024Check Up ProgramMaleP1MaleP2FemaleP3FemaleP41. ตรวจร่างกายโดยแพทย์ (Physical Examination)🔵🟠🟢🔴2. ตรวจสัญญาณชีพ (Vital Signs)🔵🟠
- Nov 01 , 2024Normal Delivery PackageCesarean Delivery Package44,900.-(Normal 61,000.-)2 days and 3 nights64,900.-(Normal 104,000.-)3 days and 4 nightsDetails covered in the maternity p