Call for advice 24 hours a day. 02-185-1444

High dose flu vaccine

High dose flu vaccine For seniors 65 years and older

Special Pricr 1,999.-

These prices include doctor’s fees.  and service fees of the hospital


  • 4 times more antigen content
  • Prevent influenza infection by 24.2%
  • Reduce complications from pneumonia by 27.3%
  • Reduce complications from the heart and respiratory system by 17.9%
  • Reduce hospitalization by 8.4%.

For more information / make an appointment

with an outpatient doctor

Tel. 02-185-1444 ext. 135, 141.

The hospital reserves the right to change prices without prior notice.

Prices and conditions are effective from today until November 30, 2024 (in the case of purchasing a vaccine, the right can be used until December 5, 2024)