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Package For Elderly Patients (Senile)

Service rate caring for the elderly

Room TypeAmount/Day(THB)Amount /Week(THB)Amount / month (THB)
Double Room 3191,50010,50045,000
Single Room 302,308,310,312,3162,00014,00055,000
VIP Room 301,303,305,307,309 311,315,321,323,3252,30016,10060,000

Scope of Services

  1. To support and assist the elders ( senile )
  2. To support and assist elders who are
    receiving enteral tube feeding , tracheostomy ,
    suction and having bedsores.
  3. To support and assist elders living with chronic
    disease i.e. cancers , heart disease , hypertension ,
    stroke etc.
  4. To support and assist elders who require
    physical therapy.

Included services in the fee

  1. Health assessment , blood pressure & body
    measurement and pulse pressure.
  2. Daily life support and basic nursing care.
  3. Three meals and one break per day.
  4. Room with air conditioner.
  5. Bathroom with hot shower / cold shower.
  6. Cleaning service.
  7. Spiritual accompaniment.

Excluded services charge

  1. Drugs and medical supplies i.e. suction’s tubes ,
    gloves etc.
  2. Pad and napkin for required adults.
  3. Special assistance i.e. special nurse care.
  4. Personal belongings i.e. soap , powder ,
    toothbrush etc.
  5. Doctor’s fee , additional 2,000 THB / month
    ( 4 visits / month )
  6. Transportation fee for urgent private
    use i.e. ambulance
  7. Physical Therapy
  8. Medical procedure i.e. Retain Foley’s,catheter,
    Naso-Gastrie tube feeding etc.
  9. Elderly Patient with problem abnormal conditions
    or illness consult doctor pay as hospital system.
Remak :
1. This package price and terms and conditions is effective fromDecamber 31, 2022.
2. Camillian Hospital reserves the right to make price changes withoutprior notification
Please contact : Customer service Department Tel. 0 2185 1444 ext. 122